Sunriver Christian Fellowship Church
Bend, Oregon
R&H transformed a former athletic center into a beautiful new space for Sunriver Christian Fellowship Church. Along with demolition work and improvements to their fire response and HVAC systems, our team relocated the main entrance, modified the old locker room space into a Sacristy room, installed a Piscina sink, and made the building ADA accessible. The featured piece of the project is the intricate wood art wall designed by ORW Architecture and installed by our team in the church’s sanctuary.
The installation of the intricate art wall was self-performed by R&H’s own craftworkers. Using a projector, the image was scaled to actual size and each slat shape was traced onto the pre-painted 4’x8’ wood panels that were mounted onto the slats. From there, our crew cut the clear-coated VG fir pieces, pre-drilled holes in each panel and screw mounted. There is a portion of curved wall and two “hidden” doors, which added to the challenge of making the piece look seamless.
The Church determined that the art wall was important to their overall design intent but during preconstruction, stakeholders agreed that if the contingency funds ran out while building during an unstable market, the art wall fund would be used to offset cost. Through extensive collaboration with the design team and careful management of the budget, we were able to complete the art wall as intended and stay in alignment with the initial project costs.