
Ronald McDonald House of Bend Kitchen Remodel

2019-05-30T17:32:25-07:00September 27, 2018|

In 2017, the Ronald McDonald House of Bend served over 115 families for a total of 1,067 nights. Over the past several months, we have been working closely with the Ronald …

Third Annual Endless Summer Nights Event

2019-05-30T17:37:37-07:00September 17, 2018|

Earlier this month, our Central Oregon team hosted their third annual Endless Summer Nights event. We had over 350 of our project partners, sponsors, volunteers, guests, and family members attend …

Rebuilding Together 2018

2019-04-22T17:11:09-07:00April 30, 2018|

A crew of 30+ R&H team members and friends dedicated their Saturday to completely overhaul the home of an elderly woman living alone in NE Portland for Rebuilding Together's National …

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